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A/N: please read my first one before toi read this one. thank you. please review, i write these for fun but i always l’amour to know what other think. so please review, i dont care if they are to tell me what i write is bad ou good. review, review, review. please and thank you.
chuck had entered the cuisine after nate. no matter how hard he tried he couldnt get his eyes of blair. she was sitting on the counter laughing at something nate had just said, but he didnt really hear him. he was Lost in his own thoughts of blair and what it would be like to have sex with her. her ruby lips drew his attention the most, he wanted to Kiss them.
normally s’embrasser wasnt chuck's favourite part but something about her lips made it one of his haut, retour au début 5. they looked soft and full he just wanted to Kiss her. if nate wasnt here he probably would.
chuck didnt take rejection from girls if he wanted a girl he would have her. not that many did reject him ou would if he noticed them. but he knew that blair would be a challenge, a very difficult one. he had to succeed, he was a basse, bass he always did. espicially when it came to women.
he knew his bank account wouldnt impress blair and get her into lit with him. she obviously liked money but it would be enough. he would find away, he had plenty of time.

"So toi were living in france" chuck a dit as if he were intrested but he wanted to speak to her for some reason.

"Yes, i was. but france is a holiday not a home" blair smiled "there is no place like manhattan"

"I agree" chuck nodded his head "but clearly nate doesnt get that because he is dating someone on the wrong side of the bridge" chuck smirked.

"they are not from brooklyn, nate please dont say you're dating someone from brooklyn" blair looked at him.

"i dont get what is so wrong with the place. chuck hates brooklyn, toi hate brooklyn. please inlighten me and tell me what is wrong with it" nate asked them both, chuck and blair looked at each other and then turned to nate.

"What's right with it?" they a dit at the same time.

"nate brooklyn is for people who dont have trust funds and cant afford the upper east side life style" blair a dit matter of factly "they also dont have taste and are left with last season clothes"

"she has a great point" chuck agreed.

"you dont know jenny and dan blair, and chuck toi hardly do know them" nate argued.

chuck smirked "that's because i dont want to know them"

"Blair toi like fashion right?" nate asked.

"like is an understatment" blair nodded "but what's your point"

"jenny doesnt buy most of her clothes she makes her own. she pretty good at it" nate told her.

"well then i'll judge her when i meet her" blair smirked at him and then it dropped "as for serena i'll have to tell her im very dissapointed" blair's smirk was back. "i'll be the judge if jenny is good at designing, and nate stop with the sweaters"

"what is wrong with my sweaters?" nate laughed "you say this everytime i see you"

"and everytime toi havent took my advice. so i'll tell toi what is wrong with toi 'sweaters'" blair does quotation marks "the fact that they have the word Sweat is for startes, and i hate wool. it's disgusting" blair's face is disgusted "and wool feels weird on toi skin" blair looked at nate sympathetically "they got to go" blair tried not to smile and chuck let a bit of a laugh out.

the door knocked and nate went to get it leaving chuck and blair in the kitchen.

"so you're a fashion expert then?" chuck asked and raised his eyebrows at her.

"i'd like to think so" blair smirked

"so what about me any tips like toi give nate" chuck smirked back.

"no toi actually have dress sense. i cant believe though that nate is suppose to be your best friend and toi havent told him to lose the sweaters, ou stopped him from dating someone from brooklyn" blair looked at him.

"is that something i should do often?" chuck smirked and blair nodded her head "well then my aploigies for not doing so, but i think nate made the wrong chioce in who his friend should be and who his girlfriend should" chuck smirked and put his hand on her knee.

blair noticed the movement but decided to ignore it for now "as flattering as that is, nate's a friend. plus brother than relationship" blair stated.

chuck looked at her legs her jupe had gone up her leg a little from when she had got up on the counter. then chuck looked back at her face. "so toi and him no chance, toi never once thought about dating Nathanil?" chuck raised his eyebrows.

"no, why do toi want to know that?" blair asked him.

chuck smirked and his hand went up her leg a little "you can find out alot about a girl par figuring out what then like in a guy. so toi dont like good guys like nate?" chuck looked into her brown eyes.

blair realised the game he was playing and decided to play along for a while "no im plus into the bad guy type, toi know, the kind who dont give a shit about anything" blair smiled innocently and leaned a little closer to him.

"really bad guy's is your thing i would have thought someone plus like nate would be your type" moved his hand even plus up her leg, getting closer to the hem of her skirt.

"you shouldnt judge a book par its cover, girls l’amour a bad guy. toi know that edge just draws us to them" blair continued to smile at chuck innocently while she grabbed the glass of water from behind her back. "with a good guy it's always the same thing. with a bad boy however, toi can never guess whats going to happen next"

"is that so" chuck started to déplacer his hand again about to put his hand up her jupe and moved plus toward her lips.

"yep something like this could happen" blair took the water from behind her back a poored the contents on chuck's head and smirked "thing is. im not a good girl"

chuck grabs the towel and moves away from her "well played, and i have to say the fact that toi not a good girl makes toi even hotter" chuck smirked back at her.

nate enters holding a blonde girls hand "what happened toi chuck?" nate laughed at his soking best friend.

"i got played, i will admit" chuck a dit rubbing his head with a towel.

"you played chuck? wow not something toi see everyday." the little blonde girl laughed.

"believe me there was a fair share of people like him in france. toi can only win if toi play them at their own game first" blair told her.

"hi im jenny" the little blonde girl held out her hand.

"oh nate's girlfriend, im blair nate's friend" she told jenny "let me guess it took toi so long to get the door nate because toi were making out with her" blair a dit flirtasiously. chuck nearly choked on his scotch. jenny went a little red.

"give over blair" nate rolled his eyes "and tell me plus about how toi played chuck bass, because not once have i ever seen anyone do that.

the door rang again and jenny went and answered it. her and serena walked in to the kitchen.

serena laughed "why are toi covered in what i hope is water chuck?"

"blair played him at his own game" nate laughed.

"OMG no way. toi played chuck basse, bass and won?" serena asked and blair nodded her hear "this is why we need B"

"oh come on some had to do. and chuck suivant time toi go to put your hand up my skirt, think twice" blair smirked.

"no, i'll just make sure no waters about" chuck smirked back.

"i'll hit toi with a plate if i have to"

Chuck laughed, and serena looked at him "she's not joking, blair has thrown a pair of hair straightners at a guy who cheated on her" serena smiled "she's one hell of a crazy bitch, but that why eveyone loves her"

"i l’amour the fact that she played chuck" jenny laughed.

"why thank you, nate told me that toi designed toi own clothes. are toi wearing one of your own designs" blair looked at jenny's outfit.

"yes do toi like it?" jenny asked.

blair thought about saying no because after pouring the water on chuck's head she was felling in a bitchy mood. but she did like the little blonde's outfit so she decided that she'd be nice "it's lovely actually, i wasnt sure what i would see because to be honest im not a big fan of brooklyn but... it's nice... i approve, nate toi are allowed to rendez-vous amoureux, date her" but blair could help being a little cheeky

"thanks for your blessing blair" nate a dit sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

"believe me blair i would much rather live on the upper east side" jenny told her matter of factly.

"good, because brooklyn is a... a... i dont even have a word for it" and then the insults to brooklyn just kept coming. chuck was smirking he was obviously enjoying the bitchy blair.

jenny was a little quite after that and blair saw that as thee sign that she won nate looked at blair seriously "blair enough about your hatred for brooklyn"

"sorry but i just cant help but speak the truth nate" blair smiled innocently "i didnt mean to insult anyone" blair a dit with fake sincerity, chuck still smirking told her he seen right past it. "sorry little J"

"little J" jenny a dit confused.

"me and blair call each other par our intials she's B and im S" serena told her.

"you're little J because it sounds cute. toi are only 14" blair smiled and then put on a flirty voice again "but dating sexy nate archibald" she tried to hold in her laughter.

"blair give over" nate laughed.

blair finally give in and started laughing "im just playing nate"

"is he going to get water on his head to" chuck asked "last time toi played a game that's the way i ended up"

"no this is a different game than the one i played with you. toi tried to make a déplacer on me and i showed toi i dont do one night stands" blair smirked "and i'll never sleep with you. the game i played with nate and jenny is to make one of them blush. it's funny. and once again try and put your hand up my jupe again and i'll make sure my knee is in good range of your speacial friend down there toi hear me?" blair raised her eyebrows.

"loud and clear" chuck smirked.


"hold on waldorf, i didnt say i was going to do as toi say" chuck told her "that just not the way chuck basse, bass does things. he for one doesnt follow rules and two listen to threats. toi hear me?"

"i know your type, im ready for whatever game toi decide to play. and i'll win everytime because that's the blair waldorf way" blair smirked and chuck smirked back.

"sorry to interupt this little moment but toi two are just as bad as each other with games. i know because i know toi both" serena a dit "but i just had to say... toi two are the weirdest people i know"

"im better at games, i can read people like books. i can predict their suivant moves so i know i'll win" blair a dit "unlike him who could probably even barely read a book let alone a person" blair smirked at her bitchy comment. chuck laughed and shook his head.

"your insult dont effect me. it just makes toi seen hotter" chuck smirked "which is an achievement because of how hot toi are already"

"well if toi cant stand the heat stay out of the kitchen" blair a dit with her little bring it on smile.

"i need to get in the cuisine before i can decide the tempature" chuck smirked at how he turned the saying into something sex related.

blair's face was disgusted "that is the most vile thing i have ever heard anyone say" blair smirked again "but you'd be lucky if toi get anything let alone a proper smile"

"im intrigued par the idea of what i might get" chuck smirked.

"dont be" blair laughed. after blair and chuck's little moment of talking about game attention was turned to school and when was blair coming in. "this monday blair will be joining constance billiard school for girls" she spoke of herself in third person.

"i hope your skirts short" chuck a dit his eyes travelling up her legs.

blair hit chuck a slap on the head "shut up bass"

"i cant wait until the Kiss on the lips party, B toi have to come" serena a dit excitedly. "will toi please?" serena smiled hopeful her friend would say yes.

"sure i havent been to a good party in ages" blair said.

"maybe if toi get drunk i'll take advantage of you" chuck smirked sliding his hand under her skirt.

blair kicked him in his private part and chuck quickly removed his hand and held it where the pain was coming from. "i warned you" blair a dit seriously.

jenny and serena were both laughing but nate was sympathetic because he knew how much it could hurt to be kicked there.

"ok i should have known better but it was worth it for those 5 seconds" chuck smirked "i got to go fine a last minute sex friend but wear something short to Kiss on the lips blair"

"you disgust me" blair a dit chuck smirked and left.

blair went accueil that evening thinking about her jour at nate's. she'd had fun talking to chuck, meeting him was definatly something. she liked playing games with him. it was fun to bring out her bitchy side to some she guessed come be bitchy right back. she'd probably see him in school, and round and about. he was good company they shared a few things in common. espicially about brooklyn. he thought she was hot, she hadnt really heard anyone say that about her before. for once she fell asleep feeling good about her apperence. she couldnt wait to start school tommorrow her and serena were going in together.
A/N: hope toi liked it as usual please review and tell me anything. sorry for any spelling mistakes. i realised i may have spelled things wrong in the first one. i will most likely update the suivant one tommorrow but i might not i dont really have a plan for when i post them. remember to review. l’amour ya. xoxo

added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by Kirsty
Source: http://justjared.buzznet.com/2008/04/18/chace-crawford-gossip-girl-2/comment-page-2/#comments
added by Kirsty
Source: http://justjared.buzznet.com/2008/04/18/chace-crawford-gossip-girl-2/comment-page-2/#comments
added by waldorf
Source: celebrity-gossip.net
added by miss_sylar87
Source: Just Jared
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added by kuhriissten
Source: blairandchuck
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added by chair4eva
Source: spoiler tv
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added by edwestwick
added by edwestwick
added by ksbass
added by Shandiii
Source: college colline productions
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Source: youknowyouloveme.org