Lauren and Puck? Seriously?

I mean...just...yuck...
I have nothing against girls with curves, as Puck likes to call it, but, no.
He should be with someone hot. I dunno, but that actress just ain't attractive. In any sort of way...
Am I the only one?
I hate Lauren but hey, Puck is going to walk all over her anyway. I say it won't last and that's how I get through it
kaylap1410 posted il y a plus d’un an
Ok guys, just to clear up one thing - I don't hate fat people. My God, I have no idea why some people find that hard to believe. Anyway, I just don't like Lauren. Hopefully I haven't offended anyone in my comments. I really just wanted my opinion to come across, and that is that I am not a Lauren/Puck shifter. There. That's all I wanted to say :)
tototo19 posted il y a plus d’un an
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Glee Réponses

ChuckJenny4ever said:
I hate them together. I l’amour Quick! And Lauren is weird.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
tototo19 posted il y a plus d’un an
Dyanira posted il y a plus d’un an
I only l’amour Quick!!!
quinnblair posted il y a plus d’un an
I l’amour Puck!:)
victoria7011 posted il y a plus d’un an
NCIS_Addict_87 said:
I think it's great that Puck likes her & they are together. I l’amour them together. And I l’amour the fact that she isn't your run of the mill Hollywood skinny perfect hottie. I like that she's genuinly overweight (not just a size 8 with "curves") and that she's confident. I do think that they need to bump her style up b/c her style sucks.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Having curves has nothing to do with her. Puck says she has curves, but that's a lot plus than curves..Anyhow, it's her persona that I don't understand. She came out of nowhere, she's not even in the slightest a realistic character and frankly, being overweight is not a good thing. It's not healthy. There is a line between curves and health (Mercedes) and just being fat (Lauren)
tototo19 posted il y a plus d’un an
Yeah but how can toi judge her being fat? That's societies problem... toi assume that every fat person is unhealthy - that we sit around eating bonbons ou something all day, that we never exercise ou move, etc. Sometimes yes that's true, but sometimes it's not. There are medications that cause people to be overweight, ou people like me who are fat but have a completely inactive thyroid, ou those who have slower metabolisms and despite eating healthy & exercising just can't get their weight down. But that doesn't mean she's unhealthy. And perhaps she did come out of no where, but in HS that just happens sometimes, and I think she's pretty realistic...
NCIS_Addict_87 posted il y a plus d’un an
shes didnt come out of nowhere shes been there for ages she just wasnt a main character now she is
MiizLadiDiime posted il y a plus d’un an
3liiiiin said:
I hate them together, I just think it's weird that a guy like Puck would go for someone like her. That's just not reality plus I hate her personality. I want him to be with Rachel ou Quinn.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Exactly my point! Stuff like that just doesn't happen in real life...
tototo19 posted il y a plus d’un an
Puck will go with anyone he like anyone he went out with mercadees and last time i looked she was on the haut, retour au début ten liste for the super abbe look
MiizLadiDiime posted il y a plus d’un an
MiizLadiDiime posted il y a plus d’un an
Katyb617 said:
Ok now not to sound a chienne but Puck and Lauren. Really?. I know HATE is a strong word so thats why i use it. I detest them. I am a huge Quick shipper and them together make me want to hurl.

Talking about being sick take Lauren, i like that the cast arent all slim (Amber/Mercedes) but Lauren turns my stomach. She's discusting and so are they together.

They're about as believable as the existance of the lockness monster!
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Well that's what I was talking about. There's no way a guy like Puck would go for a girl like Lauren. The writers are just leading girls like her on, while they know in real life that would never ever happen...
tototo19 posted il y a plus d’un an
Puck and Lauren also makes me want to hurl. There's absolutely nothing nice about her. Puck needs to be with Quinn. They're perfect for each other! Go Quick!!!
quinnblair posted il y a plus d’un an
^^ Preach it babe!
Katyb617 posted il y a plus d’un an
Kassaremidylynn said:
Okay, the whole, "Puck wouldn't like her because she's fat and hot guys don't go for fat girls" is really pissing me off.

First off, she's definitely fat, but she's not obese like everyone makes her out to be. I'm related to obese and she is NOT it. Plus, the camera adds weight, so she's probably thinner in real life.

Besides that, "hot" people do fall for "fat" people all the time in real life. There's this girl at my school, Michelle, and she reminded me a lot of a female version of Puck. She had a crush on my friend Ben, who is about as big as Lauren.

Guys that are "hot" like Puck fall for "not hot" girls all the time. Plenty of populaire guys at my school have dated nerds ou theatre geeks - like Rachel - and actually prefer them over girls like Santana ou Quinn.

I like Lauren and Puck's relationship. I think it shows some real character development for Puck.

I want Quick to be endgame. I really do, but I think Lauren and Puck are cute until Ryan Murphy stops smoking his weed and starts écriture Quinn as an actual human being instead of just a bitch.

And I think Lauren is hot, personally. I'd totally rendez-vous amoureux, date her. I actually like her personality, her voice, and I don't mind her weight.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
and what was the point of asking people's opinions? toi obviously don't care because you're just putting everyone's down who doesn't agree with you...
Kassaremidylynn posted il y a plus d’un an
Oh mean, toi are really very easy to piss off...hahah well, good luck with that attitude in your future life!
tototo19 posted il y a plus d’un an
tototo19 posted il y a plus d’un an
xxXsk8trXxx said:
I like them together, but I hate how Puck is imediatley attracted to her.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
xoPixie-Popxo said:
I so agree. She isn't even a rebel, she thinks she's so cool when she's not! I mean, why is she in Glee club? Not only is she a HORRIBLE singer, but she hates it anyway! I absolutely depise her. I'm sorry to all of the fans that like her...just my opinion...
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Couldn't agree more! Ugh she is such a bad singer, and to be honest, not pretty. And that's putting it nicely. I'm not a b*tch ou something, but she's really huge. Nothing against bigger people, just don't get Puck's falling in l’amour and attraction...WTF?
tototo19 posted il y a plus d’un an
I KNOW!!! He could do sooooooooooooooo much better! Lauren is pretty huge, MDR
xoPixie-Popxo posted il y a plus d’un an
at least mike can dance
Gleek4ever posted il y a plus d’un an
ninibambini said:
I actually REALLY like them together.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
JaceClaryTMI said:
okay I don't think they are the best couple but I think they are okay together. They always make me laugh so I'm okay with them(: Lmao.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
I dunno, to me she's not even funny. she's...weird.
tototo19 posted il y a plus d’un an
its not that she is funny but what puck does to get her and all is funny and the way he acts makes my laugh
JaceClaryTMI posted il y a plus d’un an
^agree with who? stupid question i know..
JaceClaryTMI posted il y a plus d’un an
starfire5555 said:
They definetely aren't my favourite couple, but I do like them together they are quite funny especially with Lauren mucking him about...ultra lol, That it just my opinion!!
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Farrahfanatical said:
I like them together, they're so alike. Lauren is a cool character she's kick ass!
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
I don't know about that...she thinks she's kick ass, but the truth is she's just really insecure and and puts that tough look on so no one would notice how desperate and hurt she is. I'm sorry, but your life can't be all roses and sunshine and you're not THAT cool about your looks when toi look like that. She's an unrealistic character, people like her don't exist. I wish they did, that everyone was fine with their personality and looks and be so cool about life, but she is waaay to forced
tototo19 posted il y a plus d’un an
Why do toi assume bigger people hate their body weights? My mom has some weight on her and she's totally okay with it. She knows she doesn't have the control to diet, so she's okay with being big. She likes it even. People like her DO exist, I know because I am raised par one.
Kassaremidylynn posted il y a plus d’un an
Well, my first post wasn't a really great beginning for a real discussion, was it? I was just stating my inner thoughts on Lauren and Puck, and I didn't really go into ANY details. Those were, hmm lets call them emotions ou something like that. But as this evolved into something a wee bit bigger, I tried to be plus specific. That's why I commented...
tototo19 posted il y a plus d’un an
katiecain said:
I don't think looks should have anything to do a couple being together. But I do hate them together. I find them dull and the way he just suddenly fell in l’amour with her was ridiculous.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
alisonfaith297 said:
i think its good. like i mean shows always do the stereo typically and its so boring.. populaire guys get populaire girl. pretty girl gets pretty guy then unpopular girl fight for popular/pretty guy. anyways, it so boring. at least with these two.. u see popular/pretty guy get some what unpopoular girl.. (not insulting lauren but u get what i mean) i think it also awesome that lauren is so confident and headstrong with herself and she is willing to let puck chase her to the ends of the earth just so he can be with her. its like Glee sending out a message saying dont be insecure about urself, the right will come eventually.. u may not see it at first but toi will. cos if he really does like you, he will do anything to make toi fall in l’amour with him... and why does every actress that hot guys have to be with hot?? i mean seriously is so mean and degrading. it like telling people, if toi wanna be accepted in this world toi have to be a size zero. anything plus than that, toi might as well just kill yourself cos u'll never get anywhere in life.
i'm not like critcising ur opinion, i just brun foncé, dun see the logic of having puck be with a hot actress.. also i think that this relationship these 2 have is quite meaningful..
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Yeah, I get your point. The message of the montrer is great, but somehow really unrealistic (at least it's the way I see it, here from Croatia :D). I assumed that Puck telling Quinn I l’amour toi would mean something plus in season 2, but they just switched to Lauren and I didn't see any reason for her being there. I hope I didn't put your opinion down ou something, because apparently I tend to do that ;)
tototo19 posted il y a plus d’un an
And that my friend, was just a chienne move.
Kassaremidylynn posted il y a plus d’un an
Yeah, well, I am a bitch...
tototo19 posted il y a plus d’un an
MiizLadiDiime said:
Hah! I bloody well Hope so!
Lauren and Puck oooh lala!
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
jackiehydex3 said:
I don't hate her cause shes ugly , i hate her cause shes so damn annoying
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
E_M_LoVeRFaN said:
So basically toi have nothing against girls that are fat, but are are against girls that are fat? That's what toi are saying.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Well, no, not really. I don't like Lauren, and the fact that she's fat ou ugly ou whatever doesn't really help her in my eyes...As I have a dit before, I don't have anything against fat people, just Lauren.
tototo19 posted il y a plus d’un an
toi are making no sense, Lauren is a fat person. An just adding on, when toi a dit "the fact that she's fat ou ugly ou whatever doesn't really help her in my eyes" just supports what I am saying rather than what toi are saying.
E_M_LoVeRFaN posted il y a plus d’un an
OMG, no! Jeez, I don't like LAUREN! Not because she's fat ou ugly, but because she's with Puck (who in my eyes should be with Quinn) and her being fat and ugly doesn't really make her plus likable. I don't like Santana, but hey, at least she's hot and cool sometimes. I like Mercedes and she's fat. i even liked Puck and Mercedes together, although I prefer Quick. I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against fat people. But if Lauren were hot, I'd reconsider it. this way, her being so...blah I can't really see her with Puck and to me they don't make much sense. Get it?
tototo19 posted il y a plus d’un an
Gleek4ever said:
I just don't like them! Lauren annoys me and Puck is my favori character! He can do SOOOOOOO much better!!!!!! I don't care that Lauren is fat ou ugly...i care that she's a chienne with almost no feeling.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
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