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Cas walked downstairs, his suit in his arms, when he bumped into someone. “Watch out where you’re going” a slow, familiar and female voice said.
“What are toi doing here?” Cas asked.
“Saving you” Meg a dit smug. “I saw toi walking into the house and well, I know a thing ou two about weddings. No celebration before the ceremony. No seeing the bride before the ceremony. I bet your Daphne Dearest is now going all crazy”
“You shouldn’t be here” Cas said, looking around, hoping no one would see them together.
“You’re absolutely right” Meg nodded. “But neither should you. Let’s go” She grabbed Cas’ arm and dragged him off the stairs and out of the house. She crossed the rue in a rush and before they knew it they were standing in Meg’s house.
“So this is where toi live?” Cas asked redundant. He looked around. The house was rather bare. There was a table, tableau and chairs and some cupboards and closets and he assumed that somewhere there was a bed. But there was no radio, no television, no paintings.
“You want to see my bedroom?” Meg asked blunt.
“No, I’m afraid I have to decline your offer” Cas refused polite.
“Please, I insist” Meg a dit and she dragged Cas to her bedroom. “Okay, let me see your costume” Cas handed it to her.
“Wow, that looks awful” Meg a dit horrified. “Who bought this? Don’t tell me. I don’t even want to know. We have to fix this”
The costume was black and classic. But the chemise had ruffles and that was so ridiculous. So Meg held the chemise tight and ripped off the ruffles.
“What are toi doing?” Cas asked shocked.
“I’m fixing your wedding costume, of course” Meg a dit obvious.
“You’re ruining it!” Cas said.
“Oh, damn, guess toi can’t get married now” Meg a dit cheerful.
“You think this is funny?” Cas a dit mad. “This is supposed to be the most beautiful jour of my life and you’re trying to ruin it. What have I ever done to you?”
Meg swallowed and looked down. “I’m sorry, Ca-Emmanuel” she quickly corrected herself. “I was just kidding. Give me the shirt, I can really fix it”
Cas opened the door of the motel and heard Dean sigh a relieved sigh.
“Took toi long enough” he said, but he didn’t sound annoyed. He sounded like he had been worried.
“I’m sorry” Cas responded. “I had to make sure Meg would be okay”
“And will she?” Sam asked with raised eyebrows.
“Yes” Cas nodded with a faint smile. “She’s trying to make something of her life. She even has a job”
Dean, who had just taken a sip from his beer, choked. Cas frowned and walked towards him. “Are toi alright, Dean?” “Yeah” Dean a dit difficult and coughed. “So, Meg has a job....
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One week later.

Whatever it was that had made Cas so ill, it looked like it was gone now. Anna had been right. He didn’t need their help. Still it had been terrifying for Sam and Dean to see their friend suffering like that and not being able to help.
But Cas’ condition had made Dean set a few things in motion. He and Sam had been to the city hall at night, when the place was empty, and Sam had broken into the computer to make some legal papers for Cas.
“This is your ID” Dean a dit when he handed the ID card to Cas. “Your last name is Novak. Hope toi don’t mind”
Cas accepted the...
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Meg was walking down some unknown street. It was dark and she squeezed her eyes to see where she was heading. What the hell was wrong with her sight? She passed a turn and arrived at a parking lot. There were no cars, but there was someone standing on the other side of the parking lot. The streetlights were on and so she recognized him.
“Kevin” Meg a dit slowly. “What are toi doing here? Aren’t toi scared? All alone, in the dark? Shouldn’t toi go run back to Daddy Crowley?” she scoffed.
“Funny toi mention Crowley” Kevin a dit with a faint smile. “He gave me a present. To thank...
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Dean and Sam rushed into the hospital, to the reception room. “Hi, my friend was brought in here” “What’s your friend’s condition?” the receptionist asked. “Eh” Dean hesitated, looking at Sam.
“Sam! Dean!”
The Winchesters turned around and saw Anna running their way. “Come with me, I know where he is” she said. She turned around again and Sam and Dean followed her. “I found him lying in the middle of a crossroad, bleeding badly. I’ve been having this bad feeling all jour and I’m so furious with myself that I didn’t look for him sooner”
She stopped at a door....
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Rachel had made up her mind. Stefan was right. It was not right to turn her back on her family. Veronica wasn’t family. Kelsey and Amber were. And they were supernatural, as was she. Taking Veronica’s side would be like denying her nature and it would be an insult to her children. Gabe had made her a prisoner, had forced her to become this. She wouldn’t let anyone tell her her species had no right to live, that there was no place for them under the sun.
“I’ll do it” she a dit determined. Then, thinking about Veronica if she found out about her betrayal, she felt less confident. “She...
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School was over and Elena was walking outside par herself. Caroline and Matt were talking, while Tyler was watching them from afar. As soon as Elena was out of school area someone grabbed her arm and pulled her along.
“Hey!” she exclaimed when she saw Derek. “What are toi doing?”
“I need to montrer toi something” Derek a dit excited. Without awaiting Elena’s approval he dragged her along until they were standing in front of an old building.
“What is this?” Elena asked. “Did Damon put toi up to this?”
Derek shook his head. “He doesn’t know” He opened the door carefully...
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Jeremy got out of bed, rubbing his eyes and putting on his slippers. He opened his bedroom door and walked downstairs. To his surprise Alaric was already up.
“Morning” Jeremy yawned. “Why up so early?”
“Preparing my classes” Alaric said.
“Come on, Ric, it’s Saturday” Jeremy muttered. “Saturday morning nonetheless. Just come and have breakfast and then toi can do your homework”
Alaric drank of his coffee. “I’m having breakfast right now” Jeremy shook his head and sat down. He wanted to pour some coffee, but discovered the pot empty. “Seriously?” he a dit looking...
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Sam’s phone rang and when he saw it was Dean, he quickly picked up.
“Sammy, hi. I found Cas. He’s not doing so good” Dean said.
“Where are you?” Sam asked. Dean gave him the address. “Okay, I’ll be right there” He hung up.
Meg sat up and stood from the couch. Due to the pain she Lost her balance and fell down on the canapé again. Sam walked towards her and helped her up.
“You shouldn’t try getting up. Dean has Cas. Everything’s fine” he said.
“Take me to him” Meg said.
“What?” Sam asked confused.
“Take me to Cas” Meg a dit a little harder.
“Are you...
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Gerard got accueil from his work. He hung his manteau on the rack and walked into the sitting room. He saw Zoey sitting in the couch, écriture something.
“Eh, what are toi doing here?” he asked and Zoey looked up.
“I’m écriture a goodbye letter” Zoey smiled.
“For me?” Gerard asked cynical. Zoey stood up and walked to her ex-husband.
“No, not for you” she shook her head. “From you” She touched his forehead with her index and middle finger and Gerard fell unconscious.
As if he was a feather she carried him upstairs and put him on a chair. She took the rope which she had kept in the room as a preparation and winded it tightly around Gerard’s neck. The other end she tied to the chandelier. She pulled the chair away and a seconde later she heard a snap.
“My husband just violated me” Daphne said. Cas shot her an angry look and Daphne raised her eyebrows. “What, I didn’t just throw myself out of the window”
“My car is just around the block. I’ll go get it and then I’ll take toi to the hospital” the neighbor said. He looked at Cas. “Next time I see you…”

Daphne had barely settled herself in her hospital bed, when the phone rang.
“Hello?” she said, when she picked up.
“Daphne, how are you?” Zoey asked.
“I’m fine, considering” Daphne a dit bitter.
“I’m so sorry. I should’ve never taken Emmanuel to that lake”...
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“Get me out of here! Guard!” Meg yelled, though she knew it was no use. The only reason Anna and Balthazar had been able to chat with her without being disturbed, was because they were able to make humans unconscious. So they were all probably fast asleep.
“Stop yelling” Zoey hissed. She was carrying a big book, which Meg recognized as Daphne’s ‘The Lake’, a diary hidden behind fictional character names.
“What are toi doing here?” Meg frowned. She didn’t want to have anything to do with the Allen sisters.
“Cas’ trial started an heure ago” Zoey started. “I have to prepare...
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A tensing silence filled the motel room. Jo wanted Dean to talk to her, but Dean just wanted to get drunk and Sam was on his laptop, pretending to be busy.
“How’s your injury? toi want me to check it?” Jo tried carefully.
“What?” Dean snapped. Then his face softened. “Oh…no. But, thanks for the offer”
Sam closed his laptop. “I know this might be inappropriate, but maybe we should leave this place until everything falls into place again”
“Things don’t just fall into place” Dean a dit angry and stressed out. “That’s why we were born. To make them fall into place. I can’t...
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A couple of hours later Zoey left with Alexia. Even though she could barely keep herself from falling apart she wasn’t going to leave her daughter, the person she loved the most, with a mentally ill sister. That would be very irresponsible.
And so Daphne was all alone now. She tried to comprehend the fact that Gerard had taken his own life. Hadn’t Daphne told Zoey to leave so she could be with her family?
It’s not my fault, Daphne defended herself in silence, I didn’t ask Zoey to live with me and abandon her family for three months.
Well, that’s rather ungrateful, a small voice in her...
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Isabel was in her office when someone knocked the door. Isabel looked up and said: “Come in” A young girl entered the office and walked towards the desk. She conjured some pieces of paper. “Here’s the liste toi asked me for”
She handed it to Isabel and then waited for further instructions.
“That will be all, Jackie” Isabel a dit with a little nod.
Jackie turned around and walked to the door, when Isabel called her back.
“Did toi tell anyone about this list? ou that I asked toi to get it?” she asked.
“No, inspector Roberts” Jackie a dit a little nervous.
“Good” Isabel said...
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Evening came and Dean parked his car at the Nite Owl Restaurant.
“Why are we stopping?” Cas asked. He wanted Dean to keep on driving.
“Because I’m starving” Dean a dit short. He unfastened his ceinture and got out of the car. Sam and Jo did the same, but Cas didn’t move.
“Are toi coming?” Sam asked.
“No, I don’t have to eat” Cas said. “I think I’m going to stay here and wait for you”
“Don’t be so ridiculous” Jo a dit and she opened the door. Cas understood he had no choice and stepped out of the car.
They entered the restaurant and the manager walked to them. While...
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Jo was sitting on her bed. Her mother assumed she was already fast asleep, but the opposite was true. She had heard Sam and Dean leave and she was furious she was left behind again, with no such thing as a goodbye. She was dead, for crying out loud! Would it kill Dean to montrer a little consideration? There had been no time for Jo to stop Dean from leaving, but that didn’t mean she was letting him get away with it.
“Anna? Anna, can toi hear me?” she whispered. She heard wings and a seconde later Anna was in her room. “Wow, that was quick”
“What’s up?” Anna asked. “I’m busy”...
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Anna returned to Rufus’ cabin, where she found Sam alone.
“We have a problem” she said.
“What’s wrong?” Sam asked.
“Inspector Roberts is convinced that Cas killed her colleague Jack and she’s willing to do whatever it takes to get him behind bars” Anna said.
“But she can’t prove anything” Sam said.
“I’m not done yet” Anna said. “Apparently a very reliable witness told her that Cas did the killing. My guess is that it was a demon who was possessing a human body and I know for a fact that it wasn’t Meg”
“Okay, so let’s say he gets convicted. Why can’t he...
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château Rock, Colorado
Zoey was sitting in the visitor’s l’espace of prison, waiting for Andy. She needed to talk to him. She looked up when the guard brought him in. He gave her a faint smile, but she didn’t respond it.
“Hi” he a dit awkward.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner” Zoey said, while Andy sat down.
“Oh, no, don’t worry about it. I understand” Andy a dit quick. “I’m glad you’re here”
“I won’t be long” Zoey said. “I like the hair”
“Or what’s left of it” Andy replied. “How are you? How was the funeral? Did toi talk to her parents?”
Zoey shook...
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Meg stared at Jo and Anna. These were the last two chicks she expected to see at her doorstep. “Whatever you’re selling, I’m not buying” she said, before she tried to shut the door. Anna stopped her and slammed the door open.
“You’re paying for that” Meg said, while Jo and Anna came inside. “What’s in the box?” Jo was carrying a box.
“Funny toi should ask” she a dit as she opened the box. She took out the dress and reached it to Meg. Meg stared at the dress. “What am I supposed to do with that? Mob the floor?”
Jo rolled her eyes irritated. “You have to wear it. You...
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Thirty minutes later Cas and Dean arrived back at Rufus’ cabin. Dean had cheered up a lot and even Cas didn’t seem so uptight as usual.
“The Lost mouton, moutons has returned!” Dean a dit loud. He walked to the fridge and took out two beers. He gave one to Cas, who reluctantly accepted. Before he could drink, Sam swiped the bottle and drank it himself.
“You don’t drink anyway” Sam shrugged.
“I don’t know about that’ Dean said. “Cas isn’t who we thought he was. Not anymore”
“Dean? You’re jouer la comédie kind of weird. Whatever the hell happened, just get it over with” Sam said.
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