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"We're going on a trip in our favori rocket ship
Zooming through the sky, Little Einsteins
Climb aboard, get ready to explore
There's so much to find, Little Einsteins.
We're going on a mission, start the countdown
5, 4, 3,2,1
Everyone to rocket, rev it up now!
We're going on a trip in our favori rocket ship
Zooming through the sky, Little Einsteins
Climb aboard, get ready to explore
There's so much to find, Little Einsteins.
Come on - Let's go - Little Einsteins
We need you, Little Einsteins, Yeah!"

(After the theme song,)

TEAM: (scattered lines) Get ready. Let's go. Shhh. Shhh. Shhh.

(Quincy peeks out of the curtain)

QUINCY: "Coronation Day"

(June jumps in)

JUNE: Art - Black château painted par Paul Cézanne

ANNIE: And music...

(Tune of chorus line for "The Four Seasons (Spring) I")

LEO: "The Four Seasons written par Antonio Vivaldi"

(The team moves away as the curtain opens)

(Scene: Rocket's home)

LEO: Hi, I'm Leo. Guess what? We're going to Winsdor château in England.

JUNE: That's because we're dressed up as...

LEO: ...a king...

JUNE: ...queen...

QUINCY: ...prince...

ANNIE: ...and princess.

LEO: Today is Coronation Day!

(Rocket dings)

LEO: Oh, right, Rocket. We're not completely dressed up, yet. (talks to viewer) Can toi guess what part of our outfits that we don't have?

(The viewers gives an answer)

LEO: Crowns and tiaras, right.

(Part of "The Four Seasons (Spring) I" is playing)

JUNE: Listen. I hear music. It's coming from over there.

ANNIE: Look, there's a chest.

QUINCY: Let's open it up.

(The team opens up the chest)

TEAM: Oooh.

QUINCY: What is in the chest?

(The viewer gives an answer)

QUINCY: Crowns and tiaras. Right!

JUNE: Leo, can we put them on?

LEO: Not now, June. We can't put them on until we arrive at the Winsodr château trône room.

ANNIE: Once we get to the trône room, we will each sit on thrones.

QUINCY: And Rocket will place crowns and tiaras on our heads. And we'll be king, queen, prince and princess for the day.

TEAM: Hooray!

LEO: Right now, let's close up the chest.

(The team closes the chest)

JUNE: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go.

(Suddenly, they hear jet throttles)

QUINCY: Uh-oh. (talks to viewer) Do toi know what that sounds like?

(The viewer gives an answer)

QUINCY: It's Big Jet! Right!

LEO: Do toi see Big Jet?

(The viewer a dit yes)

LEO: You're right. He's right above us!

JUNE: And look! He has a wizard's hat. He's dressed as an evil sorcerer.

(Big Jet waves the wand)

(Suddenly, the chest disappeared)

ANNIE: Oh no! The chest with the crowns and tiaras are gone!

LEO: (talks to viewer) Do toi know what happened to the chest?

(The viewer gave an answer)

LEO: Big Jet made it disappear!? You're right! We have to find it!

QUINCY: But look! Big Jet has the chest!

(Big Jet takes off)

ANNIE: And there he goes!

JUNE: Come on! Let's use my telescope to see where Big Jet is taking the chest.

(She looks in the telescope)

(Cut to: Telescope view)

JUNE: Do toi see Big Jet?

(The viewer a dit yes)

JUNE: You're right! There he is! He flew past the Forbidden City in China. Look! He flew past the jungle in Kenya. Now he arrived at Hunyad château in Hungary. Oh no! He put the chest in the dungeon cell!

QUINCY: He's going to annuler Coronation jour forever!

ANNIE: That's not fair!

LEO: Don't worry, team. We'll save Coronation Day. Right, Rocket?

(Rocket dings in agreement)

LEO: (talks to viewer) But to save Coronation Day, we're going to need your help. Will toi help us recover the chest and save Coronation Day?

(The viewer agrees.)

LEO: Great! (pulls out his baton) We got a mission! We're going to recover the chest and save Coronation Day! Let the mission.....Begin!

(The teams got aboard Rocket)

(Inside, they still have their regal outfits on)

(Leo pushes the button activating the siège belts)

LEO: Buckle your siège belts!

(He buckles up and so did the others)

OTHERS: siège belts buckled!

LEO: Prepare for blastoff! (talks to viewer) We need to give Rocket a lot of power. Put your hands on your laps and pat with us.

(The team starts to pat on their laps)

LEO: Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.

(Rocket starts to get ready)

LEO: (talks to viewer) Faster! Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Now raise your arms as high as toi can and say, "Blast off!"


ANNIE: Hold on tight, 'cause here we go!

(Rocket blasts off)

TEAM: Whoa!

LEO: Woo-hoo!

QUINCY: All right!

ANNIE: (pulls out microphone; sings to the tune of " The Four Seasons (Spring) I") We need to get the chest back ou we won't become king and Queen and prince and princess for the day.

LEO: Great song, Annie.

JUNE: But how are we going to go to Hunyad château and get the chest back? We don't know which way Big Jet went.

(Rocket dings and shows a video map)

LEO: Good idea, Rocket. We can use the map to follow Big Jet's trail. (talks to viewer) Where do we go first?

(The viewer says the Forbidden City)

LEO: Right. The Forbidden City in China. Rocket, to the Forbidden City!

(Rocket dings in agreement)

LEO: We made it to Forbidden City.

(Suddenly, they hear jet throttles)

QUINCY: Uh-oh. That sounds like Big Jet. (talks to viewer) Do toi see Big Jet?

(The viewer says yes)

QUINCY: You're right! There he is!

(Big Jet pulls out a wand)

ANNIE: Uh-oh! He's doing a magic trick.

(Big Jet waves the wand)

(The magic sparkles dragged Rocket)

TEAM: Whoa!

(The sparkles dropped Rocket in the interior of the Forbidden City)

JUNE: Oh no! Big Jet's magic trick put us inside Forbidden City.

(Big Jet waves the wand again)

(The sparkles shut the door and locked it)

QUINCY: And he locked the front door so we can't get out easily.

ANNIE: Big Jet is trying to stop us from getting the chest.

(Rocket dings in distress)

(Big Jet flies away)

LEO: But we have to find a way through Forbidden City so we can get the chest.

(Soon, they hear musique with the tune of "The Four Seasons (Winter) I")

QUINCY: Listen. I hear someone.

(A monkey flying on nuage comes in)

JUNE: Who made that sound?

(The viewer says it's the monkey)

JUNE: A monkey right. And it's not just a monkey, he's Sun Wukong, The Monkey King. He knows a shortcut that will help us find a way through the Forbidden City.

(The monkey king tells them to follow him)

LEO: The monkey king wants us to follow him.

QUINCY: Thanks, monkey king.

(Rocket follows the monkey king; but now the monkey king is going too fast)

ANNIE: Uh-oh. The monkey king is going too fast.

(Rocket comes across three paths)

JUNE: Oh no. There are three paths. We don't know which way the monkey king went.

QUINCY: Don't worry. We can listen for the monkey king. The monkey king sounds just like my violin.

(Quincy plays the violin in the tune of "The Four Seasons (Winter) I".)

QUINCY: Let's listen for the first path.

(The first path plays the same tune but not the sound of a violin)

QUINCY: (talks to the viewer) Does that sound like the monkey king?

(The viewer says that's not the path they're looking for)

QUINCY: No. That's a bass. It's a friendly tiger. A tiger king.

(The tiger king says hi)

QUINCY: Let's listen for the seconde path.

(The seconde path plays the same tune but not the sound of a violin)

QUINCY: (talks to the viewer) Does that sound like the monkey king?

(The viewer says that's not the path they're looking for, either.)

QUINCY: No, that's a trumpet. It's an éléphant king.

(The éléphant king says hi)

QUINCY: Let's listen for the third path.

(The third path plays the same tune and this time it has the sound of the violin)

QUINCY: (talks to the viewer) Does that sound like the monkey king?

(The viewer says that's the path they're looking for)

QUINCY: Yes! We found the monkey king! Go that way, Rocket!

(Rocket dings in agreement and goes down the third path)

(Soon, the monkey king and Rocket made it out of Forbidden City.)

ANNIE: We made it out of Forbidden City!

JUNE: Hooray!

QUINCY: (talks to viewer) Thanks for helping us find a way out of Forbidden City. (talks to the monkey king) And thank toi too, monkey king.

(The monkey king says they're welcome and flies off)

LEO: Let's look at the map to find out where we would go next.

(The video map has been activated)

LEO: (talks to the viewer) Where do we go next?

(The viewer says to the jungle in Kenya)

LEO: The jungle of Kenya, right. Rocket, to Kenya!

(Rocket dings in agreement and takes off)

ANNIE: (pulls out microphone; sings to the tune of " The Four Seasons (Spring) I") We need to get the chest back ou we won't become king and Queen and prince and princess for the day.

(They arrived in Kenya)

QUINCY: We made it to Kenya.

JUNE: But we don't know which way Big Jet took the chest.

(Soon, they hear the sound of basse, bass in the tune of "The Four Seasons (Autumn) I".)

QUINCY: Listen. I think I hear someone who wants to help.

(A lion wearing a crown and a purple cape arrived)

LEO: Who does that sound like?

(The viewer says it's the lion)

LEO: A lion, right.

JUNE: But it's not just a lion. He's the lion king.

QUINCY: He knows where Big Jet had taken the chest.

(The lion king tells the team to follow him)

ANNIE: He's telling us to follow him through the jungle.

LEO: Thanks, lion king.

(But along the way, they heard throttles again)

LEO: Uh-oh. That sounds like Big Jet. (talks to viewer) Do toi see Big Jet?

(The viewer says yes)

LEO: Yes. There he is.

(Big Jet pulls out a wand)

QUINCY: He's doing another magic trick.

(He waves the wand)

(There's a puff of smoke near the tree. But nothing appeared.)

JUNE: Hmmm. Nothing happened.

LEO: Be careful team. It could be a trap.

(But the lion king walked through a hidden rope and gets caught in a net)

ANNIE: Oh, no! The lion king is caught in a net!

LEO: Big Jet used the magic trick to create a trap.

(Big Jet flies away)

QUINCY: We have to save the lion king ou we'll never get the chest back.

JUNE: I have an idea. Rocket, cut down the rope with a knife.

(Rocket dings in agreement and pulls out a couteau begins to cut the rope)

QUINCY: I cannot believe it! Rocket is cutting the rope.

LEO: But the rope is too strong.

JUNE: Rocket needs our help to cut down the rope and free the lion king. (talks to viewer) Make a fist with your hand and déplacer your forearm backwards.

(She moves her forearm backwards)

JUNE: That's it. Now déplacer your forearm forward. Like this.

(She moves her forearm forwards)

JUNE: That's it. Now let's déplacer the forearm back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

(The movements helped Rocket cut the rope better)

JUNE: The rope is almost cut. But we need to keep going. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

(Rocket is cutting the rope stronger)

JUNE: The lion king is almost free. One plus time. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

(The rope is finally cut and the lion king is free.)

JUNE: We did it. We freed the lion king.

(The lion king thanked Rocket for freeing him)

LEO: The lion king says thank toi to Rocket.

(Rocket dings par saying the lion king's welcome.)

LEO: Bye, Lion king. Thanks for montrer us the way.

(The lion king says they're welcome and walks away.)

LEO: Let's look at the map to find out where we would go next.

(The video map has been activated)

LEO: (talks to the viewer) Where do we go next?

(The viewer says to Hunyad Castle)

LEO: Right! Hunyad Castle.

(Rocket dings an alert.)

(The video switched channels. It shows Hunyad Castle)

JUNE: Look, it's Hunyad Castle.

(They see Big Jet arriving at the castle)

ANNIE: But there's Big Jet.

QUINCY: I wonder what trouble Big Jet would cause this time?

(Big Jet pulls out a wand and waves it)

(POOF! A dragon wearing a crown and a red cape appears)

LEO: (talks to viewer) Who appeared with Big Jet?

(The viewer says it's a dragon)

LEO: A dragon, right.

JUNE: But it's not just a dragon. It's the dragon king.

(Big Jet's throttle sounds catches the dragon king's attention.)

QUINCY: Big Jet is telling the dragon king to guard Hunyad Castle. What a sneak!

LEO: Hurry, Rocket. To Hunyad Castle!

(Rocket dings in agreement and takes off)

ANNIE: (pulls out microphone; sings to the tune of " The Four Seasons (Spring) I") We need to get the chest back ou we won't become king and Queen and prince and princess for the day.

(Rocket arrives at Hunyad Castle.)

ANNIE: We made it to Hunyad Castle.

(Soon, they hear the sound of basse, bass in the tune of "The Four Seasons (Summer) I".)

QUINCY: Wait. I think I hear something.

JUNE: (talks to viewer) Who does that sound like?

(The viewer says it's the dragon king.)

JUNE: It's the dragon king. Right.

LEO: He's blocking our way.

ANNIE: And look! He has the key that opens the dungeon cell that holds the chest!

QUINCY: How are we going to get the key from the dragon king and make the dragon king déplacer out of the way?

LEO: I have an idea. I can conduct a diminuendo to put the dragon king to sleep.

QUINCY: All right. Go for it Leo.

LEO: (talks to viewer) But I'm going to need your help. Will toi conduct with me?

(The viewer agrees)

LEO: Great.

(Leo appears in a capsule on haut, retour au début of rocket and hold a baton)

LEO: (talks to viewer) Get toi baton ready.

(He taps the holder with a baton)

LEO: (talks to viewer) Put your hands up really high. And slowly reach them down lower, to make the musique to get softer. A little softer.

(The dragon king begins to close his eyes)

LEO: It's working. The dragon king is starting to fall asleep. (talks to viewer) Conduct the musique to get even softer. Slowly reach your hands as low as toi can. Diminuendo.

(The dragon king fell asleep)

(Rocket's capsule lowers down.)

LEO: We made the dragon king fall asleep.

ANNIE: And here's the dungeon key.

JUNE: Get the key, Rocket. But be very quiet.

(Rocket gets the key)

LEO: Now let's head into the dungeons quietly.

(Rocket quietly flies into the château all the way to the dungeons.)

QUINCY: We made it to the dungeons.

LEO: (talks to viewer) Do toi see the chest with crowns and tiaras?

(The viewer says yes)

LEO: Yes. There it is. Rocket, open up the dungeon cell and bring the chest safely on board.

(Rocket dings in agreement)

(Rocket unlocks the dungeon cell and picks up the chest and brings it on board.)

(The chest is brought on board)

LEO: We did it! We got the chest of crowns and tiaras back.

QUINCY: Now we can go to Winsdor château in England and save Coronation Day.

(But, suddenly, they hear jet throttles.)

JUNE: Uh-oh. (talks to viewer) Who does that sound like?

(The viewer says it's Big Jet)

JUNE: Big Jet! Right.

(We see Big Jet and the dragon king)

QUINCY: And look! He woke up the dragon king.

ANNIE: Hurry, Rocket! We have to get out the castle.

(Rocket dings in agreement)

(But then, Big Jet pulls out his wand)

ANNIE: Uh-oh! Big Jet is doing another magic trick!

(Big Jet waves his wand.)

(The sparkles made the gates move)

QUINCY: Oh no! Big Jet is making the gates close and try lock it. We'll be trapped!

LEO: Don't worry! Rocket can fly super fast! We're going to have to fly Rocket as fast as he can go. Super fast! (talks to viewer) Will toi help fly Rocket super fast?

(The viewer agrees)

LEO: Great! Super fast!

OTHERS: Super fast!

(Rocket activated his booster)

(The tune of "The Four Seasons (Spring) I" is playing slowly.)

LEO: (talks to viewer) To get to super fast, we have to start at adagio. Pat the beat on your lap, slowly.

(After a few seconds, the musique begins to play a little faster.)

LEO: (talks to viewer) Moderato. Now pat the beat on your tummy a little faster.

(After a few seconds, the musique begins to play even faster.)

LEO: (talks to viewer) Allegro. Now pat the beat on your shoulders even faster.

(Finally, after a few seconds, the musique begins to play super fast)

LEO: (talks to viewer) Presto! Now reach your arms to the sky and shake your whole body!

(The team shakes their bodies)

LEO: We did it! We're flying super fast!

(Rocket speeds up super fast and at the last second, makes it out of the château just in time before it closes locking up Big Jet and the dragon king)

LEO: Way to go, Rocket! toi made it out of Hunyad château just in time.

QUINCY: And not a moment too soon. Look! The gates are locked and Big Jet and the Dragon King can't get out.

(The kids laugh)

LEO: Okay, Rocket take us to Winsdor château in England.

(Rocket dings in agreement and takes off.)

(They arrived at Winsdor château in England, Rocket lands and the kids hop out.)

LEO: We made it to Winsdor Castle.

QUINCY: Well, what are we waiting for? To the trône room.

(The kids run to the trône room with Rocket moving on wheels beside them)

(At the trône room,)

JUNE: We're at the trône room.

ANNIE: And look. There's four thrones!

QUINCY: One for each of us!

LEO: Rocket, do toi still have the chest?

(Rocket dings in agreement and takes out the chest from the cockpit)

LEO: Let's see if the crowns and tiaras are still inside.

(The kids open the chest)

LEO: Are the crowns and tiaras still inside?

(The viewer sees them and says yes)

LEO: Yes they are!

QUINCY: Coronation jour has been saved.

ANNIE: Look, look, look! Here comes the animaux we met along the way.

JUNE: Yes. There's the monkey king, the tiger king, the éléphant king and the lion king and his family.

LEO: They want to see the coronation.

QUINCY: Thank toi for coming.

(The animaux a dit they're welcome)

LEO: Okay, team time to sit on our thrones.

(The Little Einsteins sit on their thrones.)

(Finally, Rocket arrives with the chest. He places the crown and tiaras on the little einsteins' heads.)

QUINCY: I cannot believe it! Rocket placed the crowns and tiaras on our heads!

ANNIE: We became the king, queen, prince and princess for the day.

(The animaux applaud)

LEO: I'm King Leo.

JUNE: I'm Queen June.

QUINCY: I'm Prince Quincy.

ANNIE: And I'm Princess Annie.

(The animaux applaud even louder)

(Leo is holding a scepter)

LEO: (waving his scepter) Mission Completion!

(The curtains close)

(Leo still in the royal outfit peeks out)

LEO: Now it's time for the curtain call!

(The audience applaud)

(The curtain opens once plus and sees the Little Einsteins in their royal outfits)

LEO: (singing) Let's give a hand and hear it for the team.

(clap, clap, clap, clap)

TEAM: (singing) And rah, rah, rah for Rocket.

(clap, clap, clap, clap)

QUINCY: (singing) Come on, take a bow.

JUNE: (singing) It's your turn, now.

ANNIE: (singing) Let's hear a big hand for you.

(The team say their cheers to the viewer)

LEO: Now, pat, clap, pat, clap, pat, clap.

JUNE: (singing) Let's give a big cheer for the artist of the day.

LEO: Paul Cézanne!

TEAM: Paul Cézanne!

QUINCY: (singing) The composer of the beautiful musique we played.

LEO: Antonio Vivaldi!

TEAM: Antonio Vivaldi! Hooray! Yay, Vivaldi!

ANNIE: And here comes the musique of the day.

LEO: The Four Seasons.

(Tune of chorus line for "The Four Seasons (Spring) I")

LEO: See toi on the suivant mission.

(As the curtains close, a ring comes in and Rocket sees it)

LEO: (off-screen) Hey, look! There's a ring!

ANNIE: (off-screen) Yeah! Pull it!

QUINCY: (off-screen) No! Don't do it, Rocket!

JUNE: (off-screen) Do it, Rocket! See what happens!

(Rocket pulls the string and apples fall down)

QUINCY: (off-screen) It's apples! They're all over the place!

LEO: (off-screen) That's so silly!

(The kids laugh)

 Little Einsteins - Royalty
Little Einsteins - Royalty
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Source: This movie is sooooo coooool
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Source: gif
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Source: phototbucket.com
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Source: Disney/google
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posted by Jayden-G
I decided to start a series of analyzing the DP Couples in depth (and later, the other Disney Couples) after I got bored one day, and wanted to write a series of articles. toi can recommend me which couple to do suivant in the couples section. So here is how it is going to go. I will first explain my global, ensemble statement about the couples in a paragraph, and then I will analyze each scene to look at the inner and outer feelings of the characters individually an the couple itself. I also have a request, just for a little while; please do not recommend a Disney Renaissance couple? I say this because...
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posted by Pyjamarama
Governor Ratcliffe: Wiggins, why do toi think those insolent heathens attacked us?
Wiggins: Because we invaded their land and cut down their trees and dug up their earth?
Governor Ratcliffe: It's the gold! They have it and they don't want us to take it from them. Well, I'll just have to take it par force then, won't I?

Wiggins: Do toi think we'll meet some savages?
Governor Ratcliffe: If we do, we shall be sure to give them a proper English greeting.
Wiggins: [holds up baskets of wine and cheese] Ooh, gift baskets!
Governor Ratcliffe: Oh, no. And he came so highly recommended.

Governor Ratcliffe:...
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added by 3xZ
Source: Pixar Wikia