Clone wars Anakin skywalker Club
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posted by padani53
When they entered the cathedral, Anakin felt his cœur, coeur break even plus at the sight of Ahsoka's still body laying on the sacred slab. She had been all cleaned up and dressed in her Togrutan Jedi outfit and leggings. Her hands were crossed over her chest with her lightsaber tucked in her right hand. She looked to be sleeping with a serene expression on her face. Gone were the wounds of her death thanks to Master Vokara's ministrations.
Tears blurred the vision of her and Anakin wiped at his eyes, not wanting to cry in front of Masters Yoda and Windu. He saw Masters Luminara and Aayla fighting tears and that made him feel worse.
Madame Jocasta stood off to one side and motioned him to stand par her. O-Mer and Jinx stood par Master Plo. Master Sinube stood on Anakin's other side with the Wookiees standing behind them. Anakin kept his head bowed until he felt the presence of the two people he loved as much as Ahsoka.
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padme Amidala his wife.
He lifted his head and stared at Obi-Wan seeing the sadness in his former Master's blue-gray eyes. He felt his resolve crack and let the tears fall unashamed down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry," Obi-Wan whispered so only he could hear.
Padme stood crying holding onto the arm of her fellow senator and friend Riyo Chuchi. The senator from Pantora was crying just as much as Padme.
Jedi Master Mace Windu cleared his throat indicating the service was to begin.
"We gather here today to lay at rest a Rebelle soul, Ahsoka Tano. Not only do we grieve for her, but also celebrate her life. Even though, Ahsoka was only with us sixteen years, she lived a lifetime serving in the Clone Wars alongside her Master Anakin Skywalker. At times I disagreed with his training of her but saw how she matured under his guidance. I saw how they both matured."
Windu looked over at Anakin who was opening crying but didn't frown, for he felt just as sad.
Chewbacca, who stood behind Anakin, placed both hands on the young Jedi's shoulders. Anakin glanced back at the Wookiee and tried to smile. Chewbacca tousled his head causing the hair to fall over Anakin's forehead. Anakin reached up to straighten his hair but it kept falling over it's familiar place above his left eye.
Obi-Wan had to surpress a smile.
Master Yoda stepped up to say a eulogy then Masters Plo, Aayla Secura and Luminara Unduli.
Padawan Barriss Offee stood suivant to her Master having a hard time keeping her composure and Lost it when Luminara couldn't hold the tears back.
"I...I'm sorry," she a dit and looked over at Obi-Wan who also was teary-eyed.
"Does anyone else want to say anything?" Master Windu asked his voice husky with emotion.
"I would," Obi-Wan a dit as he walked up to the front of the gathering. He passed Anakin and patted his friend on the arm.
"I have a confession to make, Anakin. It was partly my idea along with Master Yoda's to have Ahsoka become your Padawan learner."
Anakin managed to smile through his tears but couldn't speak. He just nodded his head.
"Anakin, I wasn't too sure of how toi would cope with the responsibility of mentoring a Padawan, especially one so much like yourself. toi proved me wrong and the past two years I've watched toi two grow up to be exceptional Jedi Knights. Ahsoka brought out the best in you. I know it will be hard for toi in the coming months coping with her death, but her spirit will reside in your heart. Let her light of innocence guide toi through this hard time. She really cared about toi and wouldn't want toi to give up."
The sobs Anakin tried to surpress came out in a rush and he bowed his head. He reached over for Madame Jocasta's hand and then Master Sinube's. Both of them put an arm around his shoulders feeling his tears wetting their tunics.
"Anyone else want to add something?" Windu asked as he looked over at Anakin who raised up his head.
"Have something to say, young one?" Yoda asked feeling sad too.
Anakin stood up straighter, running a sleeve across his runny nose and eyes. He looked over at Obi-Wan's sad eyes and felt the tears start anew.
Anakin collapsed to his knees getting a gasp from everyone not expecting a reaction like that. He placed his hands over his face to cry harder. Madame Jocasta knelt down and pulled him close in an embrace. That's when he passed out in her arms.
"Anakin!" Padme cried out running over to him. She was followed par Obi-Wan and Plo.
"Master Yoda, get Master Vokara Che, quick!" Obi-Wan yelled out.
Madame Jocasta cradled Anakin's unconscious form in her arms as if he were a youngling.
"Poor child.....poor child," she murmured.
Padme knelt down beside her and carassed Anakin's face.
"Madame Jocasta...his face...he feels feverish."
Master Vokara arrived a few minutes later and examined Anakin.
"Anakin is very sick. He needs to be treated in the Halls of Healing right now! Obi-Wan, will toi and Plo help to carry him there?"
The two Masters readied to help but stopped as Chewbacca bent down and picked up Anakin into his arms.
"Follow me to the Halls of Healing," Vokara siad as she saw that Padme Amidala was following them. She frowned but didn't say anything.
Anakin was made comfortable on a lit in the healing room. This room was serene in its surroundings with a fontaine and many flowering plants with soothing scents.
Master Vokara with Obi-Wan's help got Anakin out of dark Jedi clothing and into a long tunic of soft fabric that went to his ankles. He never stirred while they took care of him.
"His fever is very high, Obi-Wan," she a dit to him a few minute later, "All the grief, guilt and anger he has kept inside has festered. I was glad to hear he had finally cried a little at the memorial. He still has alot of grief inside and needs to let it out. I hate to say it, but he needs to cry like a youngling to begin the healing process."
"I understand, Master Vokara," Obi-Wan answered remembering how upset Anakin was when he Lost his arm on Geonosis, "I'll help him as much as I can."
"As will I," came a voice from the entranceway.
"Madame Jocasta, toi are not a healer," Vokara a dit frowning.
"I know I'm not, but Anakin as responded to me like the younglings do. Oh, I know he isn't a youngling, but he's not that much older than our oldest Padawans. I can be a calming influence for him along with Obi-Wan. I think Master Sinube will help as well. Anakin clung to both of us at the memorial. What better people to help this boy through his pain than his former Master and two old Masters who are his surrogate grandparents?"
Vokara knew she couldn't back down. Madame Jocasta could be very stubborn but she admired the older Jedi.
"All right, toi may stay, along with Masters Obi-Wan and Sinube."........