
Authored by ace2000
  • She was born in Philadelphia on Dec. 23rd, 2000.
  • Her family moved to an apartment in Houston when she was two, moved to a house in Houston when she was seven, and moved to an apartment in Pennsylvania when she was ten. Her parents divorced when she was eleven because her father's schizophrenia and bipolar was getting out of hand and her father did not want to seek treatment, and after staying in various hotels for extended periods she moved with her mother and brother to an apartment a few blocks away from their former apartment at twelve years old. After three years, they moved to a house still in the same school district.
  • She got her first pair of glasses when she was four years old, and still wears glasses today.
  • She has both myopia and stigmatism.
  • She is of Chinese descent, and has a middle name consisting of two Chinese words.
  • She is the second generation to be born in the U.S. on her mom's side and the first generation to be born in the U.S. on her dad's side.
  • She is 5' 3.6" and weighs 111 pounds.
  • She is an INFP-T according to Myers-Briggs.
  • She was diagnosed in the spring of ninth grade with anxiety, inattentive ADHD, and mild Asperger's, all at the same time.
  • She remembers three guys she would have been *very* okay with dating, but they all now live either in different continents or different states than the continent/ state she lives in.
  • Her teeth still haven't all fully come in yet -_-
  • She has an IQ somewhere in the 130s or 140s.
  • She wants to be a psychologist, neuroscientist, herbalist, or something along those lines......
  • She once competed in a national competition in which high school students answered questions about the brain and the nervous system.
  • She is a chronic procrastinator.
  • She essentially didn't know how to use a computer until she moved to Pennsylvania in the middle of fourth grade.
  • She has an indestructible flip phone which she's had since maybe sixth grade which she once dropped on concrete and immediately afterwards ran over with her bike (She also has no other phone).


  • She has a very, very large sweet tooth.
  • Her favorite restaurant is Fung's Kitchen in Houston, Texas.
  • She also likes Pitango Gelato.
  • When she was little, her favorite books were often defined by how many food-related words were included. (She still remembers the sesame muffin from Stuart Little and the watercress sandwiches from Trumpet of the Swan, which were two of her favorite books.)

Music and Movies and Art

  • Her favorite movie is Disney's Tangled.
  • Her favorite vocalist is currently Im Sun Hae, but it could switch to some other opera singer she doesn't know about yet because she doesn't listen to too much opera.
  • She started listening to Kpop in the spring of ninth grade and never looked back to American pop. (She still likes American music from the 40s-80s.)
  • She inherited perfect pitch (as well as poor vision) from her mother.
  • She has played the violin for over eight years.
  • She is self-taught in drawing, and likes drawing animals and people best (she sees drawing anything that doesn't have feelings as boring).

English Stuff

  • English, and certainly not math, is her strong point.
  • She won 500 bucks in an online poetry contest her Pennsylvania fourth grade teacher had the class enter.
  • She knows a lot about cats, dogs, horses, dinosaurs, wildlife, and livestock, since she used to spend a lot of her time reading encyclopedias to try and figure out which ones were the smallest (cats, dogs, dinosaurs)/ most useful (horses, livestock) since she didn't trust the Internet.
  • Her book collection numbers in the 200s - 300s - she can't remember.
  • The majority of her reading was done in elementary school... now she doesn't read as much....................


  • Most of the dreams she's had have been nightmares.
  • She is very scared of insects and spiders.
  • She is still somewhat scared of the dark...
  • She is very scared of failure.
  • Her teeth chatter furiously when she is very nervous.

Athletic Stuff

  • She is going to test for her black belt in tang soo do this December, after four and a half years of tang soo do.
  • The only swimming stroke she can do without almost drowning is backstroke and some stroke she invented that involves kicking normally and moving your arms kind of like you're making a snow angel